Friday, June 22, 2012


Ask yourself 6 questions before you hit your child:
  1. Would you still hit your child if he/she has the ability to retaliate?
  2. Do you resort to beating when your relative or friend disobeys you?
  3. Do you still hit your child if you are also responsible for his/her mistakes?
  4. Are you setting an example for your child too?
  5. Did you put yourself in your child's shoes?
  6. Do you have other disciplinary options other than hitting your child?
 Advices for parents:
  1. Growing up (emotionally and mentally) is more important than success - a child who is able to learn from failures is successful.
  2. Experiences is more important than ranking - over protectiveness leads to inability; let your child explore!
  3. To give is more important than to receive - let your child learns to express his/her love.
  4. Conversation is more important than arguing - do not try to win your child via authority/seniority.
  5. Motivate your child instead of reprimanding - appreciate your child by telling him/her that "You can do it!"