Enquiry & FAQs

(Dear parents, should you call me and I didn't answer, that's because I am in class. Will call you back. Thanks.)

Chinese Methodology Enquiry Form
Please kindly allow THREE days (weekdays) to response. Thank you.


Contact number:

Email Address:

Level of child:


This online form was provided by Freedback.


  • Fees are to be paid on the First lesson of the month (four lessons in total) and subsequently on the Fourth lesson (in advance for the next 4 lessons).
  • 学费需在第一堂课缴交。接下来将在每第四堂课缴交 (新的四堂课。)
  • Lessons are conducted in the study room.
  • Students will be given a notebook to write down number of lessons/dates, homeworks, as well as information of tuition fees etc。
  • Bring the notebook for all tuition.
  • If the child is very weak and not able to cope in group tuition, he will be advised to take up individual lesson.
  • 课堂在书房进行。
  • 每个学生将有一本小册子。课程次数、日期,当天的功课,以及补习费资料将会记在里面。
  • 补习课必须带小册子。
  • 若学生程度很差或无法跟上小组补习班,就需要上一对一补习。
Responsibility of students:
  • Students must be punctual, no extra time will be given to the latecomer.
  • Students are required to complete their given assignments before tuition.
  • Students are advised not to do their school homeworks in tuition to avoid disruption of tuition.
  • Students may be asked to stay back or come for extra lessons if assignments are not completed or not done to satisfaction (not putting enough effort). Parents will be informed via SMS.
  • 要准时;不会补时间给迟到的学生。
  • 必需完成所交代的功课。
  • 为了不影响补习进度和其他学生,学生不应在补习做学校的作业。
  • 若学生没有完成功课或功课做得不理想(乱做),将有可能被要求留下来完成或补课。会以短讯通知父母。
School Holidays / Discontinuation of Tuition: